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Courses at Medical University of Vienna

Each semester CIR hosts two seminars at MedUni Vienna.

Courses at Vienna University of Technology

  • 183.269 Lecture Medical Image Analysis - at Vienna University of Technology Summer Term 2020
  • 183.630 Exercise Medical Image Analysis - at Vienna University of Technology Summer Term 2020

Open Practical Training Projects & Master's Thesis Topics Summer Term 2022

  •    Longitudinal patient specific brain magnetic resonance image alignment for neurosurgical interventions. 08.03.2022, Contact: Roxane Licandro
        Automatic fetal head landmark detection for brain tissue segmentation of structural magnetic resonance imaging data. 08.03.2022, Contact: Roxane Licandro  
        Cross-modality learning for assessing transient fetal brain zones 08.03.2022, Contact: Roxane Licandro

CIR Talks

Talks by invited speakers are announced here:Previous talks are here:
CIR talks - a forum for ideas, discussions, guests, and researchers from other fields.