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CIR talks

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CIR talks is a forum where recent research results, trends, and basics are discussed and assessed.

18.6.2019, 14:00h, LOCATION TBA

Ting Xu: Individual variation in nonhuman primate and cross-species comparison

17.6.2019, 14:00h, Anna Spiegel Seminar Room, Level 3

Aris Sotiras: Advancing Big Neuroimaging Data Analysis for Precision Diagnostics

5.6.2019, 14:00h, CeMM Seminar Room Level 8

1st Vienna Symposium on Machine Learning in Medicine & Biology

16.10.2015, 12:00h, Ort: Pokieser Seminarraum 7F Kayhan Batmanghelich: Understanding Medical Images Through the Lens of Genetics: a Statistical Modeling Approach
30.6.2011, 11:00h, Ort: MU Wien, Anna Spiegel Forschungsgebäude, Seminarraum E03 Bjoern Menze (ETH Zuerich): A generative approach for image-based modeling of tumor growth
7.4.2011, 13:00h, Ort: MU Wien, Anna Spiegel Forschungsgebäude, Seminarraum E03

David Major (VRVIS): Automatic Labelling of Vetrebrae

Florian Schulze (VRVIS): Exploring the Fruitfly Brain

 15.3.2010, 16:50, Ort: TU Wien, Sem 183/2

Lukas Fischer: Optimizing Shape Particle Filters for the Detection and Segmentation of Medical Images

16.12.2009, 9:30h, Ort: CIR

Erich Birngruber: UNIX 101

9.12.2009, 9:30h, Ort: CIR

Nicolas Thorstensen (CERTIS, ENPC, France): Manifold learning and applications to shape and image processing

19.11.2009, 16h, Ort: Holzknechraum 8F

Alexander Valentinitsch: Musteranalyse im osteoporotischen Knochen anhand von HR-pQCT-Daten

27.10.2009, 15:45h, Ort: CIR

Wolfgang Birkfellner

21.9.2009, 15:15h, Ort: TU Wien, Sem 182/2

Eva Dittrich: Automatic Segmentation of Retinal Vessels and Measurement of Doppler Flow Velocity in Optical Coherence Tomography Data

28.5.2009, 14:30h, Ort: Pokieserseminarraum

Salma Essafi (ECP, INRIA, France): Sparse Models and 3D Hierarchical Wavelet Knowledge based Muscle Segmentation

19.2.2009, 15h, Ort: VRVIS

René Donner: Generalized Sparse MRF Appearance Models

Georg Langs: Mapping the Geometry of Behavior: Motion Analysis and Functional Brain Imaging

5.2.2009, 20h, Ort: CIR lab

Jacket: Accelerating MATLAB using CUDA-enabled GPUs (Stream)

26.1.2009, 14h, Ort: Demoraum E 07

[NeuroMSK-Lecture] Marius Mayerhöfer: Das Knochenmarködem: Differentialdiagnose, Quantifizierung und Texturanalyse.

2.12.2008, 14h, Ort: Holzknechtraum 8F

[NeuroMSK-Lecture] Georg Langs: Die funktionelle Geometrie des Gehirns - eine Möglichkeit zur Abbildung von Interaktionsmustern.

4.12.2008, 11h, Ort:Pokieserseminarraum, E 07

Michael Weber: Significance