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Hofmanninger Johannes

Johannes Hofmanninger


Phone: +43 1 40400 73723
Computational Imaging Research Lab
Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy
Medical University of Vienna
Waehringer Guertel 18-20 
A-1090 Vienna / Austria

Anna Spiegel Center of Translational Research
(Building 25, floor 7, room 26)

Johannes Hofmanninger is a PhD Student at the Medical University of Vienna. He graduated from Vienna University of Technology with a BSc. (2010) and MSc. (2014) degree in computer science. The academic major was medical informatics.

Master's Thesis Learning and Indexing of Texture-Based Image Descriptors in Medical Imaging Data, TU Wien, 2014

Research interests

  • Content based image retrieval
  • Spatial normalization
  • Unsupervised and weakly supervised machine learning
  • Unsupervised population analysis in medical routine data
  • Big data in medicine

Johannes Hofmanninger, Forian Prayer, Jeanny Pan, Sebastian Röhrich, Helmut Prosch and Georg Langs. "Automatic lung segmentation in routine imaging is primarily a data diversity problem, not a methodology problem".  Eur Radiol Exp 4, 50 (2020).

Johannes Hofmanninger, Sebastian Roehrich, Helmut Prosch and Georg Langs,"Separation of target anatomical structure and occlusions in thoracic X-ray images", 1 2020,

Johannes Hofmanninger, Bjoern Menze, Marc-André Weber, and Georg Langs. "Mapping Multi-Modal Routine Imaging Data to a Single Reference via Multiple Templates " ML-CDS Workshop at International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2017.

Johannes Hofmanninger, Markus Krenn, Markus Holzer, Thomas Schlegl, Helmut Prosch, and Georg Langs. "Unsupervised Identification of Clinically Relevant Clusters in Routine Imaging Data" International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2016.

Johannes Hofmanninger, and Georg Langs. "Mapping Visual Features to Semantic Profiles for Retrieval in Medical Imaging" Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2015.