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Bischof Horst

Das ist ein Platzhalter Bild-Mann

Univ.-Prof.Dr. Horst Bischof


Phone: +43 316 873-5014

Office: E 3.26
Technische Unversität Graz
Inffeldgasse 16
8010 Graz, Austria


Horst Bischof received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Vienna University of Technology in 1990 and 1993, respectively. In 1998 he got his Habilitation (venia docendi) for applied computer science. Currently he is Professor at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision at the Technical University Graz, Austria. H. Bischof is Senior researcher at the K+ Competence Center "Advanced Computer Vision" where he is responsible for research projects in the area of classification. H. Bischof is member of the scientific board of the K+ centers VrVis and KNOW. His research interests include object recognition, visual learning, medical computer vision, neural networks, adaptive methods for computer vision where he has published more than 280 scientific papers.

Horst Bischof was co-chairman of international conferences (ICANN, DAGM), and local organizer for ICPR'96. He is program co-chair of ECCV2006. Currently he is Associate Editor for Pattern Recognition, Computer and Informatics and Journal of Universal Computer Science.

Horst Bischof is currently vice-chair of the Austrian association for pattern recognition. He has received an award from the Pattern Recognition journal in 2002, where the paper "Multiple Eigenspaces" has been selected as the most original manuscript.